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Company Secretaryship - Professional

Company Secretaryship (PROFESSIONAL).

A student is admitted to professional program on passing the executive program and only completion of 9 months from passing executive program and have to appear for the examination consist of 4 module of 2 papers each of 100 marks each.The CS course at the Professional Programme level consists of only theoretical examinations. There are 8 subjects arranged into 4 modules of 2 papers each of 100 marks.

We facilitate students by paying fees in TWO instalments for eligible courses. Following are our fee structure for CA / CMA / CS courses.

Level 1: Foundation – Rs. 20,000/-*
Level 2: Intermediate / Executive – Rs. 6,000/-* per paper
Level 3: Final / Professional – Rs. 7,000/-* per paper


COMPANY SECRETARYSHIP (Professional) - Click Here to view Syllabus
A candidate is declared to have passed the Foundation / Executive / Professional examination, if he/she secures at one sitting a minimum of 40% marks in each paper and 50% marks in the aggregate of all subjects.
A student is required to complete the Executive and the Professional examination within the registration period. However, on payment of requisite fees the validity of registration may be renewed / extended for further period subject to fulfilling the applicable guidelines.